



2024-07-22 07:27:21 来源:网络


cut down造句??
1🐇👻——😚、You need to cut down on starches.你有必要少吃些含淀粉的东西*-*🍁。2🎍🐃——🐏、He was cut down by an assassin's bullet.他被刺客的子弹击中身亡🎐🌿|🌾。3🐽🕸_🦝🐆、A vandal with a chainsaw cut down a tree.一个蓄意破坏公物者用链锯锯倒了一棵树🌱_🌏。4🦣-🤑、You should cut down on fats and carbohydrates.你应该希望你能满意😼_🤗。
1. 削减He tried to cut down on smoking but failed.他试图少抽烟🥍|——🙄,但没成功🥉_|🐊。2. 缩短Cut down the article so as to make it fit the space available on the paper.把文章缩短一些🌦😫——🍂😗,这样就能排进报纸有限的版面中🎖🙄|-🦋🦘。3. 砍倒比如🐯👹|🌸,tree 是什么😳|🦦♥。


cut down 造句??
回答🐑🥎_|🏐🏓:The factory cut down the trees without the agreement of the government.
1. 削减He tried to cut down on smoking but failed.他试图少抽烟🎱🌴-🔮,但没成功🐥🌒__🐰⭐️。2. 缩短Cut down the article so as to make it fit the space available on the paper.把文章缩短一些😨🦁_🐤,这样就能排进报纸有限的版面中🌧🌥_⛅️🌳。3. 砍倒cut up 1. 切开🤬🎴-🍃;切碎Cut up the carrots before you put t到此结束了?🦨-🏆🌛。
用cut down造句,意思为砍伐。??
Surplus trees can be cut down and use used to provide wood .多余的树木还可以砍下来做木材😯*|🐕🌹。If the forest is cut down , tourism will die completely 如果森林被毁🦮🐨_-🐾*,旅游业将彻底完蛋*——🌓🌻。
cut up:1.切碎2.悲痛3.摧毁.例如*😍|_🎾:1.He cut up vegetables into small pieces.2.She was really cut up when all her friends refused to help her.3.Their house was badly cut up in the carthquake.cut down:1.砍倒.2.减少.3.(疾病等)夺取生命.4.改短(衣服).5.删减(文章)6.说服到此结束了?🤬|😧🐡。
英语😾-🌴:I cut down a apple tree three years ago.译文⛳🐝-_🐿:我三年前砍倒了一棵苹果树🦊🕊|_🦭🎀。
cut down 是一个短语😹🐟-*🧐,意思是砍倒🐏|-😔🐅。这里的主语是many trees☁️🐹|——🦘🏵,故根据句意🎇_😷,应该用被动语态🦍——🦎。every year 每年🦍🐰--🦥,应该跟一般现在时搭配🦈🦩-🥋😯。小题3:句意🙀😰-😺😷:我们最好骑自行车去学校🐥|😉☘️,而不要开车🌟🐲-|🦣。根据图片中所给的信息😉🌒--🌥😙,这里应该用instead of 来连接两种交通工具🐞🐭|-🎿🌸。instead of 的意思是代替🌔🐇——_🐌。go to school 上学🐚🌗|-🐌。
cut down v. 削减😨😧-|🦘🌨; 砍倒🦚♣|🐁🐰; 缩短🐆🪄————🐪; adj. 削减🐔🥈——_🐷; 砍倒🦝_——🐙; 缩短cut up n. 切开🧿|——*; 抨击*🐊_🎇🌙; 切碎🐷😂——🐋; v. 切开🐍🦎——_🐞🐡; 抨击🐞🦟--🐵♥; 切碎e.g.pick off:You should not pick off any of the flowers.你不应该摘花🪰🐘-——😢。cut up:Cut up the carrots before you put them into the pot.把胡萝卜切碎后再放进到此结束了?🤿_😭🌻。
用many trees,wash the earth away,change into desert,forests gone,sandstorms come into being,cut 希望你能满意🌈😰__😘。Nowadays,human beings pay more and more attention to the environmental problems.People cut down trees